Hi everyone! Sorry for missing out on publishing individual blogs for 19th, 20th and 21st November, but it has been very hectic for me, and I decided to give leetcode a break and explore System Design (a lot). Turns out, I had some idea about it already, one of the advantages of working with startups (CareAI/Dukaan). But in any case, quite a few interesting things I learnt. I can’t share all the links, as it will be just better to share the playlists or YT channels I referred:

  1. System Design Playlist from Gaurav Sen - I didn’t watch every single video, but about Consistent Hashing and Database Sharing were quite helpful.
  2. Design Twitter - System Design Interview from NeetCode - NeetCode is one of my favorite content creators in the tech on YT, always on point, no nonsense.
  3. System Design Interview: Design Amazon Prime Video from Exponent
  4. System Design Interview Channel - Not active anymore, but whatever videos he has are really good.
  5. SQL vs NoSQL or MySQL vs MongoDB from Academind - I got this question from NeetCode’s video on his design choice to use SQL, so this got me interested (NoSQL vs SQL).

Reading about Kafka, Apache Hadoop MapReduce vs Apache Spark was also helpful. I intend to use them more to understand their implementation details. Personally, using and managing load balancers for horizontal scaling is also interesting.

I’ll have more to share in the coming days, until then - take care! :)