Alright, we are back. It’s Saturday, so I spent a lot of time cleaning up my flat and my setup. Bengaluru is quite a dusty city, so yep, gotta clean regularly. Anyways, in terms of learning, my goals of today were to read some source code and papers/official documentation. It’s been some time since I didn’t do any Rust, so today I’ll just touch upon that as well.

  1. Rust - building a UI to plot a sensor in real time
    • Why this?
      • I’ve used Iced library quite a bit so far, so wanted to understand how other UI libraries look like.
      • I’m not going for the “famous” libraries here, just wanted to experience any other library. Plus, this video seemed to be decent and technically focused enough on the implementation.
  2. Setting up PostgreSQL server on my system:
    • Why this?
      • For me to start working on some projects of my own, it’s important to setup stage for them.
    • Notes:
  3. Micro Project: Store all the key presses in a server
    • Notes:
      • Since I type a lot, everyone does, the DB will have to be good enough.
      • I wanted to see how I can enable indexing and searching, this will help give me an idea.
      • No UI stuff right now. Maybe one day.
  4. NeoVim Config:
    • I was randomly trying a keymap, and I just remembered I had <leader>nf for SnipRun. And oh, wow - it finally made sense why it could be useful.
    • Selecting text, code block, displaying output in the command window or as virtual text (different highlight for errors) and even in a vertical split terminal, amazing stuff!
    • Something my nvim-autorunner was trying to do, cool stuff.

Oh, and on another note: I watched a movie (after a long long time). Had to find time to relax a bit.

(New section: TODOs for tomorrow)


  1. Explore HVM:, looks interesting at least.
  2. Read through: Specifying and Verifying Higher-order Rust Iterators.
  3. Read through: How does async rust work
  4. Continue working on the micro project.
  5. Record a video for YouTube!

Alright, thank you all for reading. :) See y’all tomorrow!